
Our Environmental Commitment

Fondo de Fondos has instituted a Responsible Investment Policy that aims to establish clear guidelines to fulfill our fiduciary responsibility to our stakeholders. Our policy seeks primarily to create value in an equitable way while respecting and preserving the environment. In this sense, we have implemented a work methodology that considers and enhances environmental aspects in all stages of our investments. A tangible example of this approach is the investment approval process, which incorporates ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) principles in its different phases.

In addition, in our ongoing pursuit of excellence in fund management, we are committed to constantly assessing and improving our responsible investment practices. This includes the monitoring and adaptation of our policy to reflect the changing market conditions and emerging environmental and social concerns. Through this comprehensive approach, Fondo de Fondos reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and long-term value generation, while fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities and making a positive contribution to the sustainable development of society.

Main environmental aspects of analysis
according to our materiality study:

We are progressively implementing the analysis of the adoption of ESG factors in eligible projects for investment. In addition, we have incorporated our ESG due diligence questionnaire as an integral part of the investment process.

Environmentally and Socially Focused Events
in which we participate

In line with our commitment to incorporate ESG best practices into the Fondo de Fondos framework, we actively participated in various events that have contributed significantly to our growth, especially with regard to environmental and governance matters. We list some of these events below:

Environmentally Focused Events
that we carry out


In January 2023, we were recognized by the Secretariat of the Environment for our participation in the "Ponte Pilas con tu Ciudad" program, which offers an environmentally friendly option for managing and reusing used batteries.


In June 2023, in Fondo de Fondos we joined in a laudable reforestation activity in the "El Llano de La Loba" property, located in the Nevado de Toluca, in the ejido of the Temascaltepec community, State of Mexico. With a total of 74 committed volunteers, 700 trees of the species known as "pino de las alturas" (Pinus hartwegii) were planted in an area of 1 hectare. This initiative represents an important step towards the preservation of our natural environment and the promotion of biodiversity in the region.


In November 2023, Fondo de Fondos received a recognition from Reforestamos Mexico for its outstanding contribution to the conservation of the country's forests and jungles. This recognition demonstrates Fondo de Fondos' commitment to sustainable development in Mexico, emphasizing its key role in supporting initiatives that preserve essential ecosystems for biodiversity and the wellbeing of the communities. This achievement underscores the importance of effective partnerships for environmental protection.