Social Responsibility

Our Team

Our social responsibility strategy focuses on establishing strong and fair relationships with all the people and groups with whom we interact. We recognize that their well-being and growth are fundamental to our long-term success.

At Fondo de Fondos, promoting equality and preventing discrimination in the workplace is an essential principle for the progress of our company. We value our employees, considering them our most valuable resource. For this reason, we are fully committed to providing the best possible working conditions for our team.

As part of our ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategy, we have implemented the promotion of a culture that encourages workplace equality and prevents discrimination in Fondo de Fondos. We are fully committed to providing a work environment in which all people are treated with dignity and respect, and where they are free from any form of harassment, as reflected in our Code of Ethics.

Gender Equity

At Fondo de Fondos, we consider the pursuit of a fair and productive work environment to be fundamental. Promoting gender equality is not only an ethical imperative, but also has tangible benefits for business success. We are conscious that gender diversity at all hierarchical levels brings different perspectives, approaches and skills, allowing for stronger and more creative decision making. We care about creating an inclusive and respectful environment that benefits everyone, which results in greater long-term growth and sustainability.

The distribution of male and female members at the management level for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023 is shown below:

Training and Development

During 2023, our focus on the training and development of our employees resulted in an average of 158 hours of training per employee. In this regard, women participated in an average of 136 hours and men in 179 hours. In cumulative terms, the female team accumulated 2,040 hours of training, while the male team reached 3,401 hours. These numbers underscore our commitment to equal opportunity and the development of all our team members, as we continue to promote an inclusive environment that enables each employee to reach his or her full potential.

In addition to highlighting the importance of the soft skills, it is important to emphasize that a remarkable number of the Fondo de Fondos management and director level positions have decided to embark on a valuable professional development process. This commitment is manifested through the active pursuit of ESG Certification from the International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE), both level I and level II. This certification not only reflects our leaders' commitment to the principles of sustainability and corporate responsibility, but also reflects their willingness to stay up-to-date and aligned with global trends that promote a more holistic and conscious approach to business management.

In addition, our Responsible Investment team is proud to hold an impressive set of certifications that support its expertise and commitment to financial sustainability. These certifications include the Level 1 Advisor and Level 2 Specialist certifications awarded by the International Sustainable Finance - IASE, as well as the prestigious Certificate in ESG Analysis issued by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. These accreditations demonstrate our solid knowledge of responsible investment and our dedication to promoting sustainable and ethical financial practices for the benefit of our stakeholders and the environment.